CALDWELL— MURDOCH. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bombala, was prettily decorated with autumn tinted Chrysanthemums for the wedding of Mr. Allan Caldwell and Miss Minna Murdoch last Saturday afternoon. The decorative scheme was carried out by Mrs. A. Topping and Mrs. F. Crowe, friends of the bride and bridegroom. Mr. Fred Smith at the organ provided music suitable for the happy occasion. The ceremony, was performed by the Rev. A. J. Barrett in the presence of a large gathering of guests and friends. The contracting parties were Mr. Allan Caldwell, second son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Caldwell, McLaughlin River, and Miss Minna Murdoch, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Murdoch, of Bungarby and Nimmitabel. Thus were united two of the oldest and most highly respected families of Southern Monaro.