
Volodar Glebovich (c1090-c1177) was born 1090 to Gleb Vseslavich of Minsk (c1055-1119) and died 1177 of unspecified causes.

Volodar Glebovich ( 1090's after 1167 ) - Prince of Minsk (1151-1159, 1165-1167) [1] , Gorodtsovsky (1159-1165) and Polotsky (1167) from the Polotsk branch of the Rurikovichs . The son of the Minsk prince Gleb Vseslavich and Princess Volodymyr-Volynskaya Anastasia Yaropolkovna , brother of Rostislav Glebovich .

Perhaps in 1135/1136 he married Ryks , the daughter of Boleslav III and the widow of Magnus the Strong . According to one of the versions [2], this marriage was concluded with the goal of creating an alliance between Boleslaw III and the Polotsk princes against the union of the King of Denmark Eric II with the descendants of Vladimir Monomakh .


? Sofia Volodarevna (about 1140 - 1198 ), later the wife of the King of Denmark Valdemar I of .
? Vladimir Volodarevich ( 1140th  - 1216 )
? Vasilko Volodarevich ( 1140th  - 1222 )
Изяслав Владимирович Полоцкий
Брячислав Изяславич Полоцкий
Всеслав Брячиславич Полоцкий
Глеб Всеславич Минский
Володарь Глебович
Ярослав Мудрый
Изяслав Ярославич
Ярополк Изяславич Волынский
Мешко II Ламберт
Гертруда Польская
Рыкса Лотарингская
Анастасия Ярополковна
Вильгельм III (граф Веймара)
Оттон I (граф Веймара)
Кунигунда Орламюндская
Ламберт II (граф Лувена)
Адела Брабантская
Ода Лотарингская


Offspring of Volodar Glebovich (c1090-c1177) and Richeza of Poland (1116-1156)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Sofiya Volodarevna (c1140-1198)
Vladimir Volodarevich of Polotsk (c1142-1216)
Vasilko Volodarevich (c1145-1222)


Offspring of Gleb Vseslavich of Minsk (c1055-1119) and Anastasia Yaropolkovna (c1070-1159)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Rostislav Glebovich of Minsk (c1092-1165)
Volodar Glebovich of Gorodets (c1095-c1167) 1095 1167 Richeza of Poland (1116-1156)
Vsevolod Glebovich of Izyaslavl (c1098-1162)
Izyaslav Glebovich of Minsk (c1100-1134)


Footnotes (including sources)
