
Vornic is an historical rank used in the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. It originated in the Slovak nádvorník.

The highest ranking official with this title was the Mare Vornic (or Great Vornic) who was in charge in charge of justice and internal affairs.

In Moldavia, until the 16th century, the great vornic was the highest ranking official in the sfatul domnesc (princely council). Before the creation of the rank of hatman, he also had military responsibilities being the head of the army. Towards the end of the 16th century he was outranked by the great logofăt. Approximately at the same time, the office of the great vornic was split, and two administrative subordinated parts of the country, called vornicii were created: one of the upper country (Ţara de Sus) with headquarters in Dorohoi, and one of the lower country (Ţara de Jos), with headquarters in Bârlad.

In Wallachia there was a single great vornic until the 18th century. In 1716, the country was administratively divided into two vornicii. At the beginning of the 19th century, two additional vornicii were created

In Moldavia, there were two additional officials carrying the title of vornic:

  • vornic de poartă (gate vornic) subordinated directly to the voivode and the great logofăt. Their responsibility was to select the cases which were to be submitted to the judgment of the sfatul domnesc. Additionally they were empowered to judge less important cases which did not meet the criteria of being judged by the princely council. From the 18th century on, they also acted as technical experts related to fixing boundaries of landowners. Their number varied between 4 and 12.
  • vornic despre doamnă who, starting with the beginning of the 16th century were in charge of the guards of the princely palace, with introducing visitors to the princely court, managing the protocol of the court and carrying out other related duties ordered by the voivodes or their spouses.


  • Mihai Dim. Sturdza - Familiile boiereşti din Moldova şi Ţara Românească - Vol. I - Ed. Simetria, 2004 - ISBN 973-85821-7-2