Vyzhnytsia Rayon
Вижницкий район | |||
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Country |
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Province | Chernivtsi Oblast | ||
Established | 1940 | ||
Admin. center | Vyzhnytsia | ||
Subdivisions |
— city councils
— settlement councils — village councils Number of localities: — cities — urban-type settlements 31 — villages — rural settlements | ||
Area | |||
• Total |
903.4 km2 (348.8 sq mi) |
Vyzhnytsia Rayon (Ukrainian: Вижницкий район|) is an administrative rayon (district) in the southern part of Chernivtsi Oblast in western Ukraine, on the Romanian border. The region has an area of 903.4 km² and 59,993 inhabitants, and centers on the city of Vyzhnytsia.
History and population[]
Until 1775 Bucovina was part of the voivodate of Moldavia From 1775 to 1918, Bucovina was an administrative division of the Habsburg Monarchy, and a province of Austria–Hungary (Austrian half).[1] After World War I, Bucovina became part of Romania. In 1940, the northern half of Bucovina was annexed by the Soviet Union.
According to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, the rayon's population was 59,993. The ethnical composition was as follows:
Total | Ukrainians | Russians | Romanians | Moldovans | Other | ||
58,924 | 631 | 196 | 58 | 184 | |||
98.22% | 1.05% | 0.32% | 0.11% | 0.30% | [2] |
Of the rayon's population, 32.7% was living in urban settlements (19.600 inhabitants) and 67.3% in rural settlements (40.400 inhabitants).
The most populated settlements are the towns of Berehomet (Romanian: Berhomet pe Siret) - 8.513 inhabitants), Vashkivtsi (Romanian: Vășcăuți) - 5.660 and Vyzhnytsia (Romanian: Vijnița) - 4.580 as well as the villages of Ispas (Romanian: Ispas) - 4.440, Banyliv (Romanian: Bănila pe Ceremuș) - 3.897 and [Mihove, Vyzhnytsia|Mihove]] (Romanian: Mihova) - 3.693.
Kitsman Rayon is composed by:
- 2 tows - Vyzhnytsia (Romanian: Vijnița) - administrative seat and Vashkivtsi (Romanian: Vășcăuți)
- 1 urban settlement - Berehomet (Romanian: Berhomet pe Siret)
Towns and urban settlements | ||||||
Name | Population | |||||
Ukrainian | Romanian | Russian | German | |||
Ukrainian writing | transliteration | Russian writing | transliteration | |||
Вижниця | Vyzhnytsia | Vijnița (Vișnița) | Вижница | Vizhnitsa | Wischnitza, (Wiznitz), (Wischnitz), (Wyschnyzja) | 4.580 |
Вашківці | Vashkivtsi | Vășcăuți, (Vășcăuți-pe-Ceremuș) | Вашковцы | Vashkovtsy | Waschkautz (Waschkiwzi) | 5.660 |
Берегомет | Berehomet | Berhomet pe Siret, (Berhomete), (Berehomete pe Siret} | Берегомет | Beregomet | Berhometh am Sereth (Berhometh [am Sereth) | 8.513 |
- 31 villages [3], out of which:
- 14 communes or selsoviets as follows:
Comune | |||||||
Name | Population | ||||||
Ukrainian | Romanian | Russian | German | ||||
Ukrainian writing | transliteration | Russian writing | transliteration | ||||
Багна | Bahna | Bahna | Багна | Bagna | Bahna | 1.009 | |
Банилів | Banyliv | Bănila pe Ceremuș, Vijnița, (Bănila Rusească) | Банилов | Banilov | Banilla am Czeremosch | 3.897 | |
Черешенька | Chereshenka | Cireșel (Cereșenca) | Черешенка | Chereshenka | Czereszanka | 1.084 | |
Чорногузи | Chornohuzi | Ciornohuzi, (Cernăhuzi) | Черногузы | Chernoguzy | Czornohuzy | 2.804 | |
Долішній Шепіт | Dolishnii Shepit | Șipotele pe Siret (Șipotul pe Siret), (Șipote) | Долишний Шепот | Dolishnii Shepot | Schipoth, Schipoth am Sereth | 1.304 | |
Іспас | Ispas | Ispas | Испас | Ispas | Ispas | 4.440 | |
Карапчів | Karapchiv | Carapciu pe Ceremuș | Карапчов | Karapchov | Karapcziu am Czeremosch | 2.158 | |
Коритне | Koritne | Vilaucea (Coritna), (Coritnoe) | Корытное | Korytnoe | Willawcze | 2.452 | |
Лукавці | Lukavtsi | Lucavăț (Lucavăț pe Siret) (Luncavăț) | Лукавцы (Черновицкая область) | Lukavtsy | Lukawetz | 2.608 | |
Мигове | Mihove | Mihova (Mihoveni) | Мигово | Migovo | Mihowa | 3.693 | |
Міліїве | Miliive | Milie | Милиево | Milievo | Millie | 2.071 | |
Слобода-Банилів | Sloboda-Baniliv | Slobozia Bănilei (Slobozia-Bănila) | Слобода-Банилов | Sloboda-Banilov | Banilla-Slobozia | 942 | |
Виженка | Vizhenka | Vijnicioara (Vijenca) | Виженка | Vizhenka | Wizenka | 1.321 | |
Замостя | Zamostia | Zamostea | Замостье | Zamostye | Zamostie | 2.106 |
- 17 villages, which are not selsoviets and do not have their own administration, as follows:
Village | |||||||
Name | Population | Selsoviet | |||||
Romanian | Ukrainian | Russian | German | ||||
Ukrainian writing | transliteration | Russian writing | transliteration | ||||
Babin | Бабине | Babine | Бабино | Babino | Babin | 787 | Karapchiv |
Berejnița | Бережниця | Berezhnitsia | Бережница (Черновицкая область) | Berezhnitsa | Bereznitza Skit | 636 | Banyliv |
Berejonca | Бережонка | Berezhonka | Бережонка | Berezhonka | - | 944 | Koritne |
Chibachi | Кибаки | Kibaki | Кибаки | Kibaki | - | 604 | Miliive |
Falcău | Фальків | Falkiv | Фальков | Falkov | - | 51 | Dolishnii Shepit |
Lăpușna (Lopușna) | Лопушна | Lopushna | Лопушна | Lopushna | Lopuschna (Lopuszna) | 844 | Dolishnii Shepit |
Lecheci | Лекечі | Lekechi | Лекечи | Lekechi | Leketschi | 237 | Dolishnii Shepit |
Lipoveni | Липовани | Lipovani | Липованы | Lipovany | Lipoveni | 394 | Lukavtsi |
Maidan-Ispas | Майдан | Maidan (Ispas) | Майдан | Maydan (Ispas) | Majdan | 212 | Ispas |
Maidan-Lucavăț | Майдан | Maidan (Lukavtsi) | Майдан | Maydan (Lukavtsy) | Lukawetz-Majdan | 238 | Lukavtsi |
Maidanul de Mijloc (Seredni Maidan) | Середній Майдан | Serednii Maydan | Sredniy Maydan | Sredniy Maydan | Mihowa-Majdan | 193 | Miliive |
Mega, (Velike) | Велике | Velyke | Великое | Velikoye | Mega | 632 | Mihove |
Vahnăuți, (Vahnoveni) | Вахнівці | Vahnivtsi | Вахновцы | Vakhnovtsy | Wachniewa | 247 | Lukavtsi |
Valea | Вали | Valy | Valy | Valy | --- | 972 | Karapchiv |
Volcineț (Volcineț pe Siret) | Вовчинець | Vovchynets | Волчинец | Volchinets | Wolczynetz | 774 | Lukavtsi |
Voloca (Voloca pe Ceremuș) | Волока | Voloka | Волока | Voloka | Woloka am Czeremosz | 486 | Vashkivtsi |
Zaricicea | Заріччя | Zarichichia | Заречье | Zarechye | --- | 494 | Berehomet |
- ^ Die postalischen Abstempelungen auf den österreichischen Postwertzeichen-Ausgaben 1867, 1883 und 1890, Wilhelm KLEIN, 1967
- ^ Дністрянський М. С. Етнополітична географія України. Львів: Літопис, 2006. С.477.
- ^ Administrative - territorial division at the date of 5 December 2001 CHERNIVTSI REGION
See also[]
- Subdivisions of Ukraine
- Chernivtsi Oblast
External links[]