
This page collects information about people with surname Wentworth who were known or believed to have lived in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire.

Notable Individuals

Notable Landmarks

External Links

See Also

:Note, for the following tables, that there may be more than one county or district of this name and that some contributors may have entered a different (possibly shorter and/or ambiguous) name when this one was meant. Search for similar names to get a more complete result. Common abbreviations are "Co." and "Cty", but there may have been no word for "county" (or equivalent) included, or such a word may have been wrongly included.

Familypedia people with surname Wentworth in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Readers can sort columns using the triangles at top.

Born in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Baptised in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Married in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

See also Category:Married in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Grouping is for "first marriage", "second marriage", etc as indicated in column headings

Died in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

See also Category:Died in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Buried in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire
