Notable Early Colonial New England immigrant ancestors of William Huntington (1784-1846) and his family.
Huntington Great, Great Grandparents[]
Lathrop / Gorham / Howland[]
- Joseph Lathrop (1624-1702): ( WHuntington, PLathrop6, JLathrop5, JLathrop4, HLathrop3, JLathrop2) - Son of Puritan Preacher John Lathrop (1584-1653), English Immigrant to America.
- Mary Ansell (c1629-1713): (WHuntington, PLathrop6, JLathrop5, JLathrop4, HLathrop3, MAnsell) - English Immigrant
- Meletiah Lathrop (1646-1712): (WHuntington, PLathrop6, JLathrop5, JLathrop4, ELathrop, MLathrop) - Son of Joseph's brother, Thomas Lathrop (1612-c1707).
- Sarah Farrar (1648-1712): (WHuntington, PLathrop6, JLathrop5, JLathrop4, ELathrop, SFarrar) - Daughter of English immigrants
- Anthony Thatcher (1588-1667): (WHuntington, PLathrop6, JLathrop5, AThatcher, JThatcher, AThatcher) -
- Elizabeth Jones (1602-): (WHuntington, PLathrop6, JLathrop5, AThatcher, JThatcher, EJones) -
- John Gorham (1621-1675): (WHuntington, PLathrop6, JLathrop5, AThatcher, LGorham, JGorham) - English Immigrant to Plymouth Colony.
- Desire Howland (1625-1683): (WHuntington, PLathrop6, JLathrop5, AThatcher, LGorham, DHowland) - Daughter of two Mayflower pilgrims and granddaughter to two more.
Gray / Hatch[]
- Robert Gray (1675-1718)
- Miriam Lovejoy (1686-1770)
- Ichabod Hatch (1691-1754)
- Abigail Weeks (1692-1773) -
Baker Great, Great Grandparents[]
Baker Family Line[]
Dimick Family Line[]
Notable Descendants[]
- Orson Scott Card (1951): ( WRCard, ORCard, ZPYoung, ZDHuntington, WHuntington, PLathrop, JLathrop4, AThatcher, LGorham, DHowland, JHowland1) - American novelist famous for the Enders Game book series.
- Huntington, Prescinda (1810-1892) - married on 4 February 1846 and had 2 children. Her grandfather John Lathrop is another distant cousin to the other Lathrop's here. Married to Heber Chase Kimball (1801-1868), along with a sister and two cousins. (Clarrisa Cutler and Abigail Pitkin)
- Huntington, Zina (1821-1901) - (Sister to Prescinda) - 3rd President of LDS General Relief Society. Married to both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.
- Huntington, William Jr (1784-1846) - (Father to Prescinda) - Veteran War of 1812 and Mormon Pioneer.
- Huntington, William Sr (1757-1842) - Revolutionary War Fifer.
- Lathrop, John Sr (1699-1752) - representative in Connecticut Legislature (1748-51).
- Lathrop, John Jr (1732-1812) - officer in French & Indian War/ Cape Breton Expedition.
- Lathrop, John III (1763-1780) - died in Revolutionary War.