- 1. William I, King of England (1027-1087)
- Parents
- 2. Robert II, Duke of Normandy (c1000-1035)
- 3. Herleva of Falaise (1003-1050)
- Grandparents
- 4. Richard II, Duke of Normandy (963-1027)
- 5. Judith of Brittany (982-1017)
- 6. Fulbert of Falaise
- Great grandparents
- 8. Richard I, Duke of Normandy (933-996)
- 9. Gunnora, Duchess of Normandy (936-1031)
- 10. Conan I of Rennes (927-992)
- 11. Ermengarde of Anjou (?-?)
- 2nd Great grandparents
- 16. William Longsword, 2nd Duke of Normandy (893-942)
- 17. Sprota
- 20. Judicael Berengar (?-?)
- 22. Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou (?-987)
- 23. Adele of Meaux (c950-c980)
- 3rd Great grandparents
- 32. Rollo of Normandy (860-932)
- 33. Poppa
- 46. Robert de Vermandois, Count of Meaux (918-968)
- 47. Adelaide-Werra de Chalon
- 4th Great grandparents
- 64. Rognvald Eysteinsson
- 92. Herbert II, Count of Vermandois (884-943)
- 93. Adela of France
- 5th Great grandparents
- 128. Eystein Ivarsson (788-?)
- 129. Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter
- 184. Herbert I, Count of Vermandois (c848-907)
- 185. Bertha de Morvois
- 6th Great grandparents
- 256. Halfdan the Old
- 368. Pepin, Count of Vermandois (c815-?)
- 7th Great grandparents
- 512. Halfdan the Old?
- 736. Bernard, King of Italy (797-818)
- 737. Cunigunda of Laon
- 8th Great grandparents
- 1472. Pepin, King of Italy (773-810)
- 9th Great grandparents
- 2944. Charlemagne (747-814)
- 2945. Hildegard