
Yuri Igoryevich of Ryazan was born circa 1187 to Igor Glebovich of Ryazan (c1154-1194) and Agrafena Rostislavna of Smolensk (c1165-1234) and died 21 December 1217 Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast, Ryazan Rayon, Russia of unspecified causes.

Yuri Igorevich (c1187- December 21, 1237 ) - the Grand Prince of Ryazan in 1235-1237 , the son of Igor Glebovich .

In 1207, together with his elder brother Ingvar, he was captured by the Grand prince of Vladimir Vsevolod Yuryevich the Big Nest, after the death of the latter in 1212, he was released by his son Yuri .

Yuri Igoryevich occupied the throne of Principality of Ryazan after Ingvar's death in 1235 .

During the Mongol invasion of Russia Yuri Igoryevich sent help to Yuri Vladimirsky and Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov.

After Fyodor Yuryevich's death, who died while trying to negotiate with Baty , Yuri Igorevich with his nephews Oleg and Roman Ingvarevich, Princes of Murom [1] Yury Davydovich and Oleg Yuryevich led troops to the Battle of Voronezh River[2] , where they suffered a crushing defeat, however, causing substantial losses Mongol army. The version of the battle of Voronezh River is based on the “Tale of the destruction of Ryazan Batu” and is accepted by some of the researchers who, following it, include the death of Yuri in the fatalities this battle. However, the chronicles report the death of Yuri during the defense of Ryazan on December 21, 1237 .

" The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu " mistakenly calls him Yuri Ingvarevich .



  1. Father : Igor Glebovich of Ryazan (c1154-1194) the prince of Ryazan.
  2. Mother : Agrafena Rostislavna of Smolensk (c1165-1234) is the daughter of Rostislav Mstislavich .


  1. Roman (died 1217 ) - the specific prince of Ryazan.
  2. Ingvar (d. 1235 ) - the prince of Ryazan (1217–1235).


  1. Fyodor Yuryevich (c1210-1237)
Ярослав Святославич Муромский
Ростислав Ярославич (князь муромский)
Глеб Ростиславич (князь рязанский)
Игорь Глебович Рязанский
Юрий Владимирович Долгорукий
Ростислав Юрьевич Владимиро-Суздальский
дочь половецкого хана
Ефросинья Ростиславна, княжна владимиро-суздальская
Юрий Игоревич
Владимир Всеволодович Мономах
Мстислав Владимирович Великий
Гита Уэссекская
Ростислав Мстиславич Смоленский
Инге I Старший
Кристина Ингесдоттер, принцесса шведская
Хелена Сигторнсдоттер
Аграфена Ростиславна, княжна смоленская

См. также

  • Битва у Коломны
  • Евпатий Коловрат




  • Template:ВТ-РБС



Offspring of Yuri Igoryevich of Ryazan and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Fyodor Yuryevich (c1210-1237)


Offspring of Igor Glebovich of Ryazan (c1154-1194) and Agrafena Rostislavna of Smolensk (c1165-1234)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Roman Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1187-1217)]] 1187The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected. The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected. 20 July 1217The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected. The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected. [[The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected.]]
Ingvar Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1190-1235) 1190 1235
Yuri Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1192-1237) 1187 21 December 1217 Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast, Ryazan Rayon, Russia


Footnotes (including sources)

  1. ^ Новгородская первая летопись старшего извода
  2. ^ After the separation of the principality of Murom from Ryazan (1161), the princes of Murom did not participate in the military actions of the princes of Ryazan; together with the Ryazan participated only in the Vladimir military actions.